Thursday, October 27, 2011

{Special Accomplishments. Amazing Young Man} Eagle Scout Court of Honor

As parents we wish the best for our children.  We guide them, we nurture them, we feed them with information and we hope that they have drive to succeed. 

This family, the Oyer's, have done just that and their son Brandon has accomplished many things. He has a life purpose, ambition, pride and devotion. This will serve as one of his proudest moments in life - Eagle Scout Court of Honor.

A mother and father watched on, proud of their son. He has accomplished things that few boys do at his young age.  I watched during this ceremony, proud too of a young man who has truly prepared himself for all situations!  His accomplishments and dedication were celebrated with unity from his friends and family.  Other young men looked on with a great degree of excitement and encouragement, especially his younger brother. It was my pleasure to watch this amazing moment, Brandon congratulations!

I am blessed to be invited into peoples lives ... I am thankful to see these fantastic and special moments.  Thank you again Oyer family!

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